INSTRUCTIONS: This form is used by hiring supervisors to document interview questions, records responses, and score the interview. The same questions must be asked of all applicants interviewed. You may have as many questions as you deem necessary. This page provides space for up to 5 questions. If necessary, use the “Interview Form Continued” page which provides space for 6 more questions. Use as many “Interview Form Continued” pages as needed. Decide on and record the questions before you begin your interviews. During the interview, summarize and write notes about the applicant’s responses. After the interview, use the scoring key below to score each response and calculate a “Total Interview Score.” The completed “Interview Forms” for each applicant you interview (with your questions, the responses of the interviewed applicants, and scores) must be submitted to the Employment Office at the end of the process when a selection is made.
RESOURCES FOR HIRING SUPERVISORS: Tips about conducting interviews and appropriate interview questions are available on the HR Employment webpage
under “Resources for Hiring Supervisors.”